if you just got here, start at the beginning. it's worth it

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One Hundred

This is my one hundredth post—ninety-two published, including seven unpublished posts, so I thought I would make something out of it by going over what I’ve done.

If I do say so myself, I am proud of my perseverance in writing and updating this blog. When I started, I reminded myself of how my mother would always make sure that I could finish something before I started because many of my interests were short-lived, mostly because there were so many of them. One in particular was the piano—in which I had become rather good at playing, though I lacked in still lacked in theory. When I was little, she taught me some of the basics of how to play and a few songs before my span could reach across an octave, and years later, a couple months at a time of review gave me some aptitude and a repertoire of songs that I could hammer out if need be. Never have I really become great at playing the piano.

I knew all to well before I began this long process of writing this blog that I very well may not finish. I’ve never kept a diary or a journal in my life, and until just recently, I’ve found reading most boring with writing coming in at lack of interest number two.

I guess there’s a couple of reasons I’ve really put myself into this blog and why, after almost eight months, I continue to contribute and why now, I’m writing something of around two posts a day. First off, I’ve found that I’ve fallen back into writing. Before departing for Hong Kong, I started a lengthy piece of fiction currently at thirty thousand words that I hope to continue when my travels slow down back in California. I’ve also found an interest in reading that has surprised my parents as well as myself. To this effect, I read twelve books over the summer (a personal record), as well as five books in my free time since coming to Hong Kong.

First and foremost thought was the fact that I wanted to write to record why I am here in Hong Kong and how I interact with Hong Kong during my few months here. I hope that I have succeeded and will continue to succeed. I have fallen in love with this place and I feel so indebted to everyone (as previously mentioned) for having been afforded the opportunity to come here and the resulting experience.

I hope that what I’ve been writing has been of interest, and thanks for sticking with me.

Right now, the temperature’s just taken a downturn. It’s gotten chilly and it’s been raining on and off for the past few days. There was plenty of strong wind accompanying it. Because of the rain is falling and due to its partial visibility, my Scottish friend dubbed it smeary rain. All I know is that if I ever move to somewhere cold, I’m going to have to learn to layer clothes better.

Copyright © 2009 James Philip Jee
This work may not be reproduced by any means without express permission of the author. 

1 comment:

  1. I am totally impressed with your diligence in keeping up the blog. I think this is like the scrap book we always ( you mostly of this summer on Italy and Paris ) do after each of our summer trips...it highlights and refreshes our memories of the good times and experiences we had and will live on even more poignantly as time goes by. Good job and continue on with your reading and writing!
